SkillGym Results

What you don’t practice and measure, you don’t improve.
Alessandro Guerrini
Project Leader
3 min read



What do we focus on?

We look at three different types of evidence to make sure that SkillGym delivers what you deserve from practicing conversations.



Consistent practice increases confidence and self-awareness and improves 76 additional skills impacting on your Competency Model (look at the Science behind SkillGym to see how you change by practicing).


Smarter people increase the quantity and quality of their conversations as the result of broader conversational comfort zone and faster experience gathering (look at our laser-focused SkillGym Programs to learn more).


Finally, sharper conversations influence your business results (read this case study) and change your work environment for the better (read this article about the importance of Leadership Abundance).


1. Smarter people.

Consistent engagement in practice generates permanent and measurable change in observable behaviors.

Increase in Confidence and Self-Awareness.
Confidence and Self-Awareness are the two factors that most influence the daily performance of the leaders we train with SkillGym. Here is the average impact of SkillGym’s Programs on these factors, based on measurements from over 9,000 cases in the last three years (measured comparing scores at the beginning and at the end of six months practice):



2. Sharper Conversations.

With the help of our clients, we routinely monitor the impact of practice on real-life behaviors. We are specifically interested in tracking:


Increase in the number of conversations.

After practicing with SkillGym, 79% of people* claim they engage in a much higher number of conversations than before.



Change in quality of the conversations.

After practicing with SkillGym, 85% of people* claim they have higher quality conversations with peers and team members.

* These figures are estimates from many of our clients. Results may vary according to the type of organization and the users’ learning agility, leadership approach and consistency of training effort.


3. Better Team Performance.

Sharper conversations improve business results and work environment.

Thanks to improvements made in sales, leadership and people development conversations, our customers quickly achieve significant results that profoundly affect the quality of their business results, their work environment and motivation of employees.



In a sense, they are ‘compounded effects’: positive results that stem form upskilling conversation skills. What we see is most often a combination of nine elements impacting the entire organization, with improvements* including:



* These figures are estimates as reported by many of our clients. Results may vary according to the type of organization and the users’ learning agility, leadership approach and consistency of training effort.


What about program length?

Consistency of practice in the long run is what it takes to reach and maintain mastery, but of course not all programs can last six months or more.

The good news, however, is that practicing with SkillGym also brings great results also when training bootcamps are delivered on a shorter time span.

* Data has been statistically measured on 9.342 past trainees who sustained an average schedule of about four simulated conversation/month. Results may vary according to the users’ learning agility, leadership approach and consistency of training effort.


If you prefer to run a shorter, more intensive program, then you are in good company:



SkillGym Programs’ statistics.

With over 300,000 individuals trained over the years, we have a crystal-clear picture of how SkillGym will work at your organization.



* Data has been statistically measured on 9,342 past trainees who sustained an average schedule of about four simulated conversations per month. Results may vary according to the users’ learning agility, leadership approach and consistency of training effort.



Case Studies.

Learn from these field case studies what you can achieve with our Programs.


Practicing Improves Performance.
This case study shows how a training based on Digital Role Play generates better results compared to a classical training program.

Learn more about this case study.



Keep Users Engaged with Digital Learning.
Have a look at these three case studies showing how to leverage habits and win the learning engagement quest with consistency.

Learn more about this case study.



What’s next

If you are searching for the Digital Role Play solution that suits your needs, take a look at our website, which has pre-recorded webinars and articles among other inspiring content for your review.

You are also invited to book a 1-hour discovery call with us if you would like to continue this conversation.

Enjoy the rest of your day.


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